On the STLDistribution.co.uk website, our Publishers Featured section (shown here) represents the group of suppliers our Area Sales Team carry in their bags, highlighting the best of Christian publishing.
Each tab showcases a particular publisher’s key new releases, core stock and offers on selected ranges (example below). These pages are updated regularly to mirror the titles the Area Sales Managers are presenting each sales cycle, as well as offering quick links to Core Stock, New Titles and offers. You can also download New Title Information pdfs.
Winter Warmers with 45% discount pages
You can find all our latest promotions on the Promotions tab of the website. Our Winter Warmer offers are now available to order through all the usual channels (website, SyneRgi, customer services and Area Sales Managers) including 45% discount on the following:
For full details of all products in the promotion, visit STLDistribution.co.uk