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Friday 30 January 2009

Two Invoices for One Delivery

Hi All

In SAP one of the requirements we had from both retailers and distribution customers was to improve on how we gave extended credit terms for seasonal product such as Christmas cards. For example, when the initial Christmas order is shipped, if a pack of Christmas Cards is out of stock and subsequently a normal order picks up a backorder for that pack, then the only way to handle the differing credit terms (eg 30 days & 60 days) is to create 2 separate invoices for the one delivery. This is not the only scenario where two invoices can result, but it does illustrate that in this instance its not an error but a consequence of meeting one of our requirements from the system.

STL Blog Team

1 comment:

Geoff said...

That makes such a lot of sense and will make it much easier to track seasonal items, as well as match the terms offered when placing the orders. In the past backorders have always slipped through into a normal terms invoice.
